University of Côte d'Azur (UniCA), Nice

Université Côte d'Azur


Université Côte d'Azur is a group of higher education institutions that brings together the main players in higher education and research on the Côte d'Azur. UCA aims to develop the twenty-first century model for French universities, based on new interactions between disciplines, an experimental model of coordination between research, education and innovation and strong partnerships with the private sector and local communities.

The department of mathematics has been awarded three ERC grants (two seniors: HEIGHTEICH, SCAPDE and one consolidator: Sing Wave). It also has connections with private companies, including contracts with multinational companies like Thales, TOTAL, EDF and local start-ups, and with research agencies, like CEA (French agency for atomic energy). It also has a strong partnership with INRIA (French agency for computer sciences).

The Université Côte d'Azur is involved in several Applied Mathematics projects of interest for the present application. Some are supported by the French Research Agency ANR:

 Other projects related with the field of Neuroscience, of interest for the track at UCA:

InterMathsUCA Coordinator

François Delarue
Laboratoire J.A.Dieudonné
University of Côte d'Azur (UniCA) Nice, France

#Consortium InterMaths EMJMD;
